Monday, March 2, 2009


While shopping the mall last Saturday with my two precious granddaughters, I spotted this very attractive young woman at the bookstore who was dressed EXACTLY like me. I strolled over to her and tapped her on the shoulder and when she turned around she almost screamed! We both had a good LAUGH and then I summoned my granddaughter , McCartney, to take our picture. Talk about a KODAK MOMENT!! My "twin" told me how cute I looked, and I said, "well, so do you!"........It was one of those fun moments that you will remember always with a good laugh.


Tardevil said...

Love those jackets! How funny!

Kellie said...

Two Beautiful women with GREAT taste!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

obviously, you both have fabulous taste! How cute ya'll look, and what fun that was!

Joyce said...

This is too funny! You girls are down to the "T"!

Bo said...

Well dahlin' both look mah-velous...and both of you are blondes! Fun moment! ;-) Bo

Renée Finberg said...

OH NO !!!!!!

that is my nightmare !!!!
ever been to a black tie affair and someone is wearing your dress ?

it has never happenedss to me, and i hope it never does.
i would just leave.
( i am a big baby )

but, at the bookstore ?....
that is cute & funny.

xxxx's to you mimi
and you do look adorable !

annechovie said...

Aw, too cute! You both look very stylish, Lee. thanks for the sweet comment! XO

My Galveston Cottage said...

love the coat!!
what a fun moment. thanks for stopping by! see ya soon, -susan

phillips phamily said...

That's hilarious and has brightened my afternoon! Thanks for coming to vote. Stick around to find out the results and our decision!

sealaura said...

that is so cute! I wonder where my twin is.. good thing you were able to capture the moment.

Helen said...

What a great photo ... how fun! This is my first visit to your blog ... I'll be back.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

How perfect that you were able to photograph the moment!!

Love your grand-daughter's name, too!

cotedetexas said...

That is hysterical!!! I love those coats!!! and look how you are dressed the same under the coat too! You are too cute - !!!!
love love love this!

Jules from "The Roost" said...

How fun! It is amazing how you can meet such nice people.

Unknown said...

That looks like a fun encounter...
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my DIY Canopy Beds
Take care

Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said...

That is AWESOME! Thanks so much for all your sweet, supportive comments. It means so much to know people are praying for me (and mine). I can't tell you how much it means to me!

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